Your guide to
higher self living

Welcome to Higher Self Living!
Are you ready to start living your very best life?
When you start to create a practice that consistently engages your Higher Self, your entire life will change. It is here in this connection where you will find healing, love, joy, happiness, and peace.
Your Higher Self is the part of you that loves you unconditionally. It’s also the part of you that knows your soul’s entire journey, including past lives and your current life. It knows your hopes and dreams, your challenges and fears. It is connected to the collective and to All That Is.
Your Higher Self is eager to speak with you and offer guidance.
For over a decade, Jools Sinclair has been guiding clients into raising their vibrations and frequencies so they can live their best life. Whether you join Jools for an intensive, all-day QHHT session, an online class or workshop, or a live event, she can help you begin your personal journey into Higher Self Living. By activating the relationship with your Higher Self, you’ll step into a new awareness of who you really are: a powerful soul learning and playing in our magnificent universe.
1:1 Healing session
The ideal choice if you are ready for an intense deep-dive into your past lives and Higher Self. These all-day sessions are profound and life-changing.
online Workshops
Explore your past lives in these interactive workshops all from the comfort of your own home.
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In-person events will leave you refreshed, recharged, and with a greater understanding of who you really are.
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